Wednesday, February 22, 2012


"Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." Ephesians 3:17 (NIV)

The dictionary defines roots as:
"Noun: a part of the body of a plant that develops, typically, from the radicle and grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutrients and moisture.
Verb: to become fixed or established"
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Have you ever tried to pull up a plant or a weed and you just couldn't do it? Its roots were so deep that you just couldn't uproot it? I have. One time I tried to pull up a tiny little plant. I wrapped my hand around the whole thing and pulled with all my might and it didn't even budge. Other times, I've pulled up plants almost on accident with very little effort. The difference? Roots.

Plants or trees with DEEP, STRONG roots can not be uprooted as easily as ones with weak, shallow roots.

The mighty oak tree has some of the longest, strongest roots of all trees. If you've ever tried to uproot an oak you know, it's not so easy. Its roots obtain water, oxygen and minerals from the soil. In other words... the roots absorb the LIFE SOURCE.

The thing is we can "root" ourselves in a variety of things- good or bad.

So the question becomes- What are you rooted in? What is your life source?

In this passage, Paul is praying for the Ephesian people that their "roots will grow down into God's love". What does that mean? He wants them to KNOW God..... to seek God as their SOURCE of LIFE.... to NOURISH themselves with the everlasting LIVING WATER. He wants them to CONNECT themselves to God's Word, to God's Spirit. He wants them to DIG DEEP into their understanding of Him and His love.

We too, will GROW in our relationship with Him if we DIG DEEP into His Word, by reading and studying our Bibles. We too, will find spiritual NOURISHMENT through communicating with Him in prayer. As we pursue Him, our roots will grow deeper and stronger. Our faith will become unshakeable. No matter what storms our lives may bring we will not be uprooted. I want that. Don't you?

Lord, help me today to become a Mighty Oak of Faith.

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