Monday, February 27, 2012

Once upon a time.... I had a bad day.

"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."
Ephesians 4:1-3 (CEV)

Sometimes I get in a bad mood. It happens. I remember one day in particular when I was in a bad mood. It was a few years ago (not that I couldn't think of a more recent one but this one sticks out in my mind). I was an exhausted new mom. Brianna had cried practically all night (so did I) and she only slept in 20 minute increments. I got a phone call that my stepdaughter, Rio, needed a change of clothes at school and they couldn't get a hold of her mom. So I loaded up Brianna and headed to the school to take Rio some clean clothes. On the way, Brianna threw up EVERYWHERE.

I knew there was no way I could get her out of the car to go into the school and of course, I couldn't leave her in the car. So, I called the school office and asked if they could send someone out to the car to get the clothes. They didn't want to do that....maybe they were very busy.... maybe it was against the rules... I don't know...I didn't CARE! After transferring me to 3 different people (I was quite rude I might add- so of course they didn't want to be very helpful) finally someone came out to get the clothes. And then the already exhausted me, went back home to give Brianna a bath and scrub the car and the car seat. I'm sure people referred to me after that as the rude, crazy woman in the parking lot. Haha! The truth is- I was just having a really bad day.

The thing is that when WE are having a bad day, we expect everyone to understand and make allowances for us. But, when SOMEONE ELSE is rude, or short tempered, or impatient with us do we look past it and understand that it may just be a result of their circumstances? Or do we just judge them for their current actions?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's ok to be rude or impatient. But, I am saying that as Christians, it is our responsibility to look deeper.

After all, if you knew that the person who cut you off in traffic was rushing to the bedside of a dying loved one- would you be so quick to anger?

If you knew that the rude clerk at the store had been up all night with a sick baby, would you be a little more tolerable?

If you knew that the person impatiently waiting in line behind you works 65 hours a week just to keep food on the table and they are pushed for time to get to their 2nd job- would you let them go in front of you?

BUT do we really NEED to know all the details to treat people with grace?

"Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love." Making allowances for each other's faults.... Are we?

Heavenly Father, help me to see others through Your eyes. Help me to love them with Your love.